Business Modeling

I am a certified Business Model You Practitioner, a co-creator of Business Model You and a co-author of Business Models for Teams. With this knowledge and set of tools I help you create your AS-IS personal or team model and design your TO-BE models.

It’s visual. It’s provocative. It’s creative. You’ll have insights beyond what you get from just …….”talking about it.”

What do industry professionals experience at a business modeling workshop?

PAINS That Business Modeling Skills Can Address

  1. Teambuilding that doesn’t last
  2. Org charts that don’t explain how things work
  3. Job-description-obsessed employees don’t see the big picture, the context
  4. Teams that isolate themselves in specialty silos
  5. Collaborations that don’t start with common goals and definitions
  6. Lack of general business savvy about operations

We increase the collaborative contribution of any employee and any team with an easy to learn visualization tool that transforms internal operating models from implicit to explicit models everyone can contribute to because they can SEE IT.

We improve results by shifting relationships from co-dependent to interdependent. We do this by visually depicting your operating model to increase collaboration at the individual and team levels.

All training, consultation and workshops are adapted to digital delivery through a training portal available to any organization that is interested.

Learn more.